
" this is the room where we met "


:::::: Chat ::::::

Welcome to Seal My Fate Chat, where you can meet and talk with fans from all over the world! .To get started, type in the screen name you would like to use in the bottom field (minimum of 3, maximum of 9 characters) and hit enter... the rest should be self-explanatory.


Please get a Java capable browser!

Commands always start with '.' or '/'.
.quit to leave
.msg <nick> <text> to send a message
.help for the help page
.who [<channel>] to see the who list [of <channel>]
.whois <nick> to get information about user <nick>
.me <action> to emote
.list for the channel list
.join <channel> for joining/creating a channel
.users for a list of users on the server

Requirements: You need a Java capable browser to see the chat box. Furthermore your internet provider must not have a too restrictive "firewall". Some providers (e.g. Metronet in Germany) do not allow their customers to use any service besides the WWW - they also disallow usage of this chat. (Your provider must support connections to and from port 201.)